
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine offers a holistic individualized approach to healing, Including a thorough examination and individualized treatment protocol.

Treatment methods

Any acupuncture treatment may include some of these non-needle methods:

  • Moxabustion: Using the herb mugwort to heat the skin over an area.
  • Cupping: A specialized glass jar is used to create suction over an area.
  • TDP Lamp: An infrared heat lamp is used to warm and increase blood flow to an area.
  • Acupressure: Pressing with a fingertip on an acupuncture point.
  • Tui Na: Chinese medical massage.
  • Gua Sha: Scraping of the skin.
  • Electro-Stimulation (similar to a TENS unit)
Close-up of a hand holding a rectangular flat and smooth stone and scraping a person's back with it.
Close-up of cinnamon sticks and star anise pods on a table.


The treatment might conclude with any of the following:

  • Nutrition and life-style counseling.
  • Herb or supplement prescriptions.
  • Movement recommendations.
  • Referral to another healthcare provider or specialist.